Closing our doors
To our cherished customers and collaborators, near and far:
The arrival of the COVID19 pandemic changed everyone's circumstances; in the words of one of our weavers, Anabel Sierra, COVID cambió el tejido de la vida, it changed the tapestry of life. ArteSana as we've known it for the last 5 years as a space for community, fiber arts workshops and sales outlet for handwoven products made in Holyoke MA will be winding down this Fall.Despite closing doors on our weaving focus, the legacy of ArteSana as a model for community wellbeing and empowerment will live on via collaboration with likeminded social enterprise Paper City Clothing Company and other community stakeholders in downtown Holyoke, where we will weave new patterns together. We hope to stay in touch with you in this new chapter - please follow Paper City Clothing Company on Facebook and Instagram or join their mailing list as from now on we'll be shacked up with them! We encourage you to spend some time with our interactive timeline we put together as a commemorative archive to celebrate ArteSana's work, October 2013-October 2020.
De todo corazon, with our whole heart, we want to thank YOU our tribe of supporters for the support you’ve shown us over the years. Your words and actions, large and small, played an important part in our story and will always be remembered and cherished.